Welcome! Thank you for visiting our website. Let me take this moment to tell you a little bit about our church. The Altadena Community Church is “church as it could be” in America. I believe in this church because of the welcome it represents to the exile (spiritual or otherwise) and its willingness to stand in the wilderness as an exile itself. For over 60 years, the church has acted on what I think are two great core values that rise out of the conviction that at the center of the gospels is a message of love, while rejecting the legalisms that clearly set us apart and distance us from one another. Those two core values are peace and acceptance. As followers of Jesus, we are here to love God, to love each other, and to work to widen the circle so that all are truly welcome. This is represented in our early decision to become intentionally welcoming to the LGBTQ community. If you were to visit us on a Friday evening, you would find a weekly peace vigil outdoors to keep the people of the Ukraine in the forefront of our thoughts. If you came by on Saturday mornings, you would find a food pantry running for the neighbors around us who are food insecure. We do this with our neighboring congregations known as “A.C.T.S,” (Altadena Congregations Together Serving). And, if you returned on Sunday for our 10:00 a.m. service, you would find a small, committed, giving, and caring congregation who truly love their church and their community. (You will also hear a fine music program!)
The poet Rilke said, “This is the miracle that happens every time to those who really love; the more they give, the more they possess.”
The Rev. Dr. Paul Tellström
Altadena Community Church was founded in 1940 and strengthened in 1968 by breakaway groups seeking a freedom of religious thought they had not found in other churches. One early statement of faith was affirmed as "a testimony, not a test" and encouraged members in "their own free responsibility to interpret the word of God." In 1967 ACC joined the United Church of Christ, a denomination of self-governing congregations from different faith streams. In 1986 ACC became the thirteenth UCC congregation nationwide to declare itself Open and Affirming—people of all sexual orientations are welcome. Whoever you are or wherever you are on your journey, you are welcome here. Click here for more
"Come as you are...
become the person God wants you to be"